SFB 'Russian Treasures' 2009 Opening Night Gala

I will be dancing in two performances (Raymonda Pas de Deux and Double Evil) at the San Francisco Ballet's 'Russian Treasures' 2009 Opening Night Gala on Wednesday, 21st January.

San Francisco Chronicle review:

"One standard-setting ballerina performance, from Maria Kochetkova, came with a novelty. Wednesday's "Raymonda Pas de Deux" was billed as a world premiere with choreography by Yuri Possokhov after the 19th century master Petipa.

Possokhov either has a sharp memory for the steps passed down through his native Bolshoi Ballet or he called upon his powers of invention, or both, because this "Raymonda" pas (not the usual Act 3 excerpt we're used to from "Raymonda" but apparently from a different section of the full ballet) is filled with combinations of now-rare charm. Hungarian-inflected character arms punctuated whimsical little hops and turns, made all the more delightful by the delicate Kochetkova's understanding of academic ballet logic and attention to detail, and by Joan Boada's pure airborne zeal.

Not for the first time that evening, crystalline choreography met with crystalline interpreters as spirit raising as a Champagne toast."

Saturday Matinee:
"Maria Kochetkova and Joan Boada’s Raymonda pas de deux stood out in its equally strong partnering and individual performances, a glittering masterpiece of classical ballet perfection."